The future of beekeeping is digital.


Everything in your pocket

The days of paperwork are finally over: We support you with the digital organisation of your apiary - for hobbyists and professional beekeepers alike. 

HIVESOUND offers you a simple and intuitive management platform. Document your inspections and benefit from our AI-supported assistant guiding you through all tasks and phases of the season.
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No surprises:
AI-based real-time monitoring

We know firsthand: honey bees need attention. The colony can lose its queen or become ill. They can swarm or become a victim of an attack. We are developing an AI-supported monitoring system that monitors your bees around the clock and informs you as soon as the colony behaves suspiciously. A sensor is installed in the hive, which records the buzzing without disturbing the bees during their activities. Our AI models analyze the recorded frequency patterns to generate recommendations of action, tailored for every individual colony.  In this way, you can act as fast as possible to ensure health and pollination performance of your bees.

Sounds good? Help us gather more data and join our mission!
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Our vision: bees for climate protection

Honey bees and wild bees are our allies in mitigating the effects of climate change.
It’s easy: By protecting them, we protect ourselves. As pollinators, bees are indispensable for ecosystem functions and are therefore indirectly responsible for the preservation of our livelihoods.
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Partners and Supporters

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Do you want to test our app or monitoring system? Register now as a supporter and benefit from early access to the latest app features, the opportunity to give feedback directly and express further wishes for functionalities. Click on "Become a supporter" and follow the instructions: We will inform you as soon as possible about the next steps!

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